

Constipation in babies: What foods cause it and relieve it?

If your baby isn't feeling well, you may want to look at her feeding. We have compiled a list of foods that cause digestive problems in infants, as well as foods that easily and effectively relieve constipation.

When a baby poops regularly, it usually means that their digestive tract is in good shape and they are eating enough. It's understandable that the absence of poop, or apparent changes in the consistency of poop, can cause parents anxiety. However, changing a baby's diet is often enough to relieve constipation.

Read on to find out which foods to eat and which to avoid to promote your baby's poop.

Does my baby have constipation problems?

To begin with, parents need to decide whether their child is actually constipated or not. Constipation in newborns is a relatively rare phenomenon. When babies are on an all-liquid diet, their food is more easily consumed and digested.

Until the age of 4 months, babies poop three to four times a day on average. However, some babies poop after every meal, while others may go several days without a bowel movement. Although a persistent lack of poo suggests constipation, it can be difficult to identify in infants.

You should also monitor the consistency of the stool . Hard stools suggest that they have been there longer than desired. Light bleeding (from stretched anal walls), tense faces, hard abdomen and refusal to eat are all symptoms of constipation in infants.

Relieving Constipation with Liquid Foods

Constipation in breastfed infants may be a sign of a milk protein allergy. Since all food consumed by the mother is passed on to the infant, breastfeeding mothers should avoid dairy products. Therefore, they should eat foods that promote the development of the baby's stool , such as prunes and foods rich in fiber.

Formula-fed babies are much more likely to develop constipation than breastfed babies. Some ingredients in formula may be harder for the baby's digestive system to absorb, resulting in firmer stools. Your pediatrician may suggest replacing your baby's formula with a non-milk based one.

If parents think their baby is constipated, they may be tempted to switch to a low-iron formula, but some doctors don't recommend doing so. Formula-fed babies need more iron, and while high-iron diets can cause constipation, it's not the amount in the formula that's to blame.

Solid foods that cause constipation

Your baby's poop will change once solid foods are added to her diet. But there are things you need to know before giving your baby solid foods. In particular foods not to be given at the beginning. Learn more here .

Heartier food usually means heartier poop. In addition, the intestines are maturing, which allows them to compress digested food and keep it longer. You will likely see one less layer of poop per day because the body takes longer to digest food.

Food can be both friend and foe. For starters, certain foods can make things more difficult for your baby. Like applesauce, bananas or cereal. Constipation in your baby can be caused by eating too much of these foods, especially cereals. Also, keep an eye out for dairy products like cheese and yogurt, which are popular first foods for babies. Foods low in fiber , such as white rice, white bread, and pasta, can block babies' intestines.

Baby foods that relieve costipation

Looking for a quick way to relieve baby constipation? Call on these foods to soften the situation when baby poops become rarer, harder, or more difficult to pass:

Foods rich in fiber

Anything high in fiber can help loosen your baby's stool. High fiber cereals, whole wheat pasta and brown rice are just a few examples.

Fruits in "P"

Pears, plums, peaches and prunes are among them. Their juice equivalents can also be useful. Pear juice works wonders and kids love it.

The vegetables

Broccoli, beans, and Brussels sprouts can help you regain control.

The water

Sometimes all your baby's system wants is just water to get it back up and running. However, babies should not drink water until they are six months old. Click here to know the reasons.

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