

How to ensure baby's safety when it's hot?

The weather is getting warmer, which can make it more difficult to follow advice for safer sleep. It's harder to keep baby cool , and vacations and travel can disrupt routines. I've put together some summer baby safety tips so you can enjoy the summer and keep your baby safe when the weather warms up.

Traveling by car

Car seats are essential for safety when traveling, but babies should not sleep in a car seat for long periods of time as many do not lie flat, which can mean babies slouch. I recommend that on long journeys you take regular breaks during which the baby is removed from the car seat and, if possible, have an adult sit with the baby in the back of the car, or use a mirror to be able to keep an eye on him.

If a baby changes position and slumps forward, parents should immediately stop and get the baby out of the car seat. Infants should not sleep in a car seat when not travelling.

Safer sleep for baby on vacation

To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), babies should be laid on their backs on a firm, flat mattress for every sleep, day or night. It is important that this routine is followed during the holidays.

If your baby is sleeping in a travel cot, the mattresses are often thinner and harder, but don't be tempted to place folded blankets or a duvet under the baby to make them "cozier". Make sure the travel cot is not placed against a heater, in direct sunlight, and out of reach of blind cords and hazards.

Keep baby cool on the go

Pushchairs and prams should not be covered with blankets, rags or any other covering that prevents air circulation. Covering a pram or stroller with a blanket could lead to overheating, increasing the risk of SIDS. Using a blanket also creates a barrier between parent and baby, which is slightly risky as parents won't be able to see if their baby is having difficulty or monitor their temperature easily.

We recommend attaching a parasol or parasol to a pram or stroller and checking whether the baby is too hot by feeling it on the chest or in the back of the neck. Keep babies out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

Make sure baby is sufficiently hydrated

When it's hot, it's important to make sure your baby is well hydrated. Fully breastfed babies don't need extra water until they start eating solid foods . In hot weather, they may want to breastfeed more than usual. If you feed your baby with a bottle, in addition to his usual milk, you can give him some boiled and cooled water. If your baby wakes up at night, he'll probably want milk. If he's had his regular feeds, also try giving him boiled, cooled water.

Room temperature

Babies who are overheated are more likely to die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. We recommend keeping the room where your baby sleeps at a fairly cool temperature of 16° to 20° . It may be more difficult in the summer months or when you are going somewhere hot. If the room where the baby sleeps is difficult to cool, use lighter bedding and clothing and open the bedroom door and window, if it is safe to do so.

Baby sleeping bags will have directions on what clothes to use for each season. You can also use a fan to cool the room, but don't point it directly at the baby. A thermometer can help you make sure the room is the right temperature.

Infrared Forehead Thermometer for Baby and Room

Sleeping with baby safely

If you or your partner drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs that might make you sleepy on vacation (or at home), sleeping with your baby can be very dangerous and increases your risk of SIDS . In these circumstances, your baby should be in a crib or Moses basket in the same room as you.

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